Scribble me this.

This is an archive of stuff I've written. Most of it comes from various 'zines I've written for at one time or another. If you're looking for a handful of old stuff I wrote many moons ago, you've come to the right place.

Disclaimer: I was (and according to some, still am) a pretty sloppy writer way back when. In addition, a lot of this stuff is weirdly dated. Let me assure you that I am not some sort of weird, atavistic mutant. There just hasn't been much of a point to 'zines in recent years - digital or otherwise. The sort of ultra-low-cost independent publication that was once the domain of 'zines has been effectively overrun by weblogs, LiveJournals, social networks and so forth.

Compared to the speed and ease with which people can now generate fairly rich, complex and specific digital publications, hounding your friends and colleagues for scraps of content, slogging through the editing and layout processes and then (hopefully) meeting deadlines only to have the end-result seem a week or three behind the curve seems fairly pointless. The power of flexibility, streamlined delivery and (most importantly) immediacy has allowed things like the "Blogosphere" to actually have an impact on the mainstream media, national politics and society overall that the 'zine movement never achieved on any notable scale.

So this little pile of stuff exists as a snapshot of the tail-end of the "Pre-Blogospheric" age, for whatever that's worth.

Stuff from (the now defunct) Hackedtobits

A Requiem for Napster

"Thhs'z th' lssht snggh wrrr plyngh!" (review of a Shane MacGowan show)

They Call Me Mr. Glass...

Every month, the Amazing Editor of HTB comes up with some random thing for us all to write about (kind of like homework) and it goes in a column called "Zeitgeist" (kind of like German). This piece was a Zeitgeist offering about illegal stuff we've done. It's about droplifting, which I've also written about here.

16-bit Wine-country Fandango

This piece is another Zeitgeist column. It had something to do with catchphrases that don't exist, but should.

On Video Games, John Ashcroft and the Supposed 'Culture of Violence'

Other stuff

Loyola and the Illusive "Secret Formula"

This is an old piece I wrote way back in college when I had a lot more free time and pissiness, much of which revolved around beverages.

The Legend of Boothman and Other Guy

Quite some time ago, my roommate (mal) and I went out at some godawful late hour to have some breakfast with our friend Nightmode. I don't fully recall why the three of us decided we were hungry and that we needed to go out to eat right then an there. I do remember that mal and I, who had never been to her house before, got hopelessly lost looking for a church she lived near, resulting in picking her up taking us a full hour or so. Once we finally found her, we went out for some eats. This is the story of what happened.


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